Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22

Our Internet is final back up and running. The storm that we had last week ruined our telephone/DSL lines and then I guess a squirrel chewed through one? Whatever.

AND. I have a battery in the camera!! Woo hoo! Finally I know. Anyway. I didn't take pictures of Saydee helping to decorate the tree but I did get a picture of her in front of the tree the other night.

She rearranges the tree daily and takes every ornament she can reach off of the tree. I couldn't figure out where she was putting them at first, but now have realized that she hangs them from our wrought-iron dining room chairs and has her own little decor studio under there. kinda cute. Christmas is right around the corner, we will be finishing our shopping today. I'm excited to come home to wrap all of it! We are expecting another storm this week and I am so nervous about sisters and boyfriends coming! I hope they don't get suck anywhere.

I guess not much to report. Here is a picture of my favorite fat boy. So stinkin cute!

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11

We just had a HUGE snow storm here in Iowa. I grew up around snow so it certainly wasn't the first time I'd seen this, but Miss Saydee has been quite impressed! I'm sure that we will be playing in it later today seeing as we made an emergency trip to Target yesterday for snow boots and waterproof gloves. And, believe it or not I do think that we are getting a new battery for the camera (cross my fingers) so I can start taking REAL pictures. Thank God for the iphone, but I'm ready to have the zoom option again!

Yesterday Saydee took a rather late nap, not that I hold her to any routine so I'm pretty much asking for random sleep habits... any way, I told her she could stay up till Daddy got home, which didn't wind up being till about 11:30 last night. Of course she was so excited when he came home and tons of snuggling and tickling ect. Well Eric, creature of habit, takes a bath every night when he gets home from work. I say a bath because we still don't have a shower (more on our house later). Well I had asked that Sayd not get in with him which she usually talks him into since she was already in a clean diaper and jammies. I was in the living room and could hear them playing and singing, and then....... a big splash followed by Eric's laughter and him calling for help! Sure enough the Toot fell in. We have a super deep tub and i guess she was reaching for her toothbrush (it was swimming) and slipped right in. She was upset to say the least. Not happy about having wet clothes. Wish I would have taken a picture of her standing in the water bawling.... Maybe after I get the camera up and running!