Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5th. 2010

She is 3 TODAY!!

How did we get here I have NO idea, but what an incredible journey has created for us! Today will be a day to celebrate her and we will be shopping for toys and doing whatever else the b-girl wants! Im assuming that will involve a mulititude of different playgrounds (thank God for a beautiful day, and my nook).
Sunday will be her heart-themed party so I will do my very best to continue my new efforts on blogging, and post some shots from it!

Since Saydee is still sleeping in I will post a few shots of her recently so we can see how much she has changed!

We love you little Goose!

Her 1st Brithday

Her 2nd Birthday

Just a few from recently! Shes so sassy!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20th

I am so sad that I have been away from the blog world for so long. To be honest I stop by daily and read others news, but always seem to not have time to share my own.

Tonight I am sad to leave this message, but I hope that in years to come I can stop and look back to remember tonight in a different light.
I'm sure that you are looking at the picture wondering what on earth is going on with Saydee's tummy, so here it is....

We painted her toenails, which is a daily affair, honestly, we paint them a lot. I am on the computer in the office working on Mr. B's Bee-Day Party, and she is watching Yo Gabba Gabba in the living room. Thank God, B is in bed. approximately 2.5 minutes after she went to the living room, she came back to the office and held out her arms which appeared to be bleeding profusely. As I jumped up to ask what had happened I changed my thinking and out came "WHERE. IS. IT." and my voice was surprisingly loud. She replied with "the couch." Yes that is exactly where is it.

Sayd goes to the tub.

Jammie's go in the garbage.

1 entire bottle of nail polish remover go to the couch (no success p.s.).

I finally join her in the tub.

She apologizes, she knows it was bad, Please don't make her go to bed she requests.

I scrub her. Start a load of couch cushions in the laundry.

She calls daddy and told him she painted herself.

Mom cries.

New jammies are on.

I am cleaning up the remaining little spots i didn't try before and come across these weird little balls on the floor. Like tiny ones. Hmmmm, where did these come from? B will choke on these I think, could there be more? Oh no.... They are the stir-balls inside the nail polish bottles. I'm assuming they were the ultimate goal for Sayd. She just HAD to see what they look like, She has always wanted to know.

So I decide to go and make a cocktail and end up with this instead.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17


For 3 weeks we have been saying "today is the day he will crawl...."

Well TODAY is the day! Im so proud of him! He has been so frustrated trying his hardest to figure it out. I guess all the face plants and rug burns were worth it! Bring on the tough knees.

He first went for a bag a popcorn that Sayd had left on the kitchen floor. Determination. I had already forgotten that he could crawl and got up to answer my phone right after I changed him and I came back into the room with him waiving around his diaper that I left 4 feet away! Cheers to baby-proofing again! boo.... BUT SO PROUD!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8 2010

I cant believe its a new year! A cold year at that so far! I officially hate Iowa winters. and it certainly doesn't help to have 2 babes that I have to bundle up to take anywhere. To be honest we just don't go that often anymore. Its not worth it to take them out when its -10....

Other than the cold I feel like this is going to be a FAB year! This month is proving very busy already with appointments every week and I am most excited for Mr. B's photo shoot next week. He will be 8 months..... Crazy.

I swapped the kids rooms around the other day. Ill get some pictures of the cute new spaces. Saydee is in a REALLY Big big-girl bed. which she has actually been sleeping in very well. And so Bryce inherited Saydees old Black crib which actually looks better than I thought it would in his light blue & white space.

Bryce is trying to crawl. I'm sure that he will be really on the move in a matter of days. He is so frustrated that he cant quite get the hang of it and face-plants all too often. i want him to be on the move, but chasing another body around our tiny house intimidates me. I guess Ill be thankful its small. Then I can keep track of them better!

My plans to get crafty have yet to start. I am so anxious to being SOMETHING. but I can decide on what. We are about to re-do the kitchen and bathroom and I think that should be fun. We hope to have this house on the market by summer but I'm hoping more like spring. we'll see. House hunting should be a blast! Cant wait to start fresh with new decor! IKEA here we come! And I will definitely be adding a "craft space" for myself. then I should have no trouble seeing what materials I have to get crafty with!

Oh and. Eric says by next month I will be in a new car. !!! Except I'm pretty sure that means that it will be a used Mini-van.....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22

Our Internet is final back up and running. The storm that we had last week ruined our telephone/DSL lines and then I guess a squirrel chewed through one? Whatever.

AND. I have a battery in the camera!! Woo hoo! Finally I know. Anyway. I didn't take pictures of Saydee helping to decorate the tree but I did get a picture of her in front of the tree the other night.

She rearranges the tree daily and takes every ornament she can reach off of the tree. I couldn't figure out where she was putting them at first, but now have realized that she hangs them from our wrought-iron dining room chairs and has her own little decor studio under there. kinda cute. Christmas is right around the corner, we will be finishing our shopping today. I'm excited to come home to wrap all of it! We are expecting another storm this week and I am so nervous about sisters and boyfriends coming! I hope they don't get suck anywhere.

I guess not much to report. Here is a picture of my favorite fat boy. So stinkin cute!

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11

We just had a HUGE snow storm here in Iowa. I grew up around snow so it certainly wasn't the first time I'd seen this, but Miss Saydee has been quite impressed! I'm sure that we will be playing in it later today seeing as we made an emergency trip to Target yesterday for snow boots and waterproof gloves. And, believe it or not I do think that we are getting a new battery for the camera (cross my fingers) so I can start taking REAL pictures. Thank God for the iphone, but I'm ready to have the zoom option again!

Yesterday Saydee took a rather late nap, not that I hold her to any routine so I'm pretty much asking for random sleep habits... any way, I told her she could stay up till Daddy got home, which didn't wind up being till about 11:30 last night. Of course she was so excited when he came home and tons of snuggling and tickling ect. Well Eric, creature of habit, takes a bath every night when he gets home from work. I say a bath because we still don't have a shower (more on our house later). Well I had asked that Sayd not get in with him which she usually talks him into since she was already in a clean diaper and jammies. I was in the living room and could hear them playing and singing, and then....... a big splash followed by Eric's laughter and him calling for help! Sure enough the Toot fell in. We have a super deep tub and i guess she was reaching for her toothbrush (it was swimming) and slipped right in. She was upset to say the least. Not happy about having wet clothes. Wish I would have taken a picture of her standing in the water bawling.... Maybe after I get the camera up and running!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19th

Chunk is not very Chunky!

I took Bryce to the doctor yesterday for his 6 month well child, and he is only.... 15 pounds!!! That puts him in the 20 something percentile! Little teeny man. Hes just to die for. cutest thing ever.

Holidays are on their way and I think i might try and decorate a little today...

Amy and ROBERT are both coming for Christmas this year. Cant wait! Ash is having trouble finding a good ticket, so I am going to search for her today.

It is so foggy outside. Im sitting here sqeezing my coffee cup feeling like the season is truly changing again. makes me want to travel!